

Blood, body parts and bacteria pollute wastewater from meatpacking plants. New rules could help clean it up US Right to Know

As the EPA considers cancer links to nitrates in drinking water, industry downplays the risks US Right to Know

FDA says it is winning the battle to cut farm antibiotics. The data tells a different story US Right to Know

US pressure weakens global commitments on antimicrobial resistance US Right to Know

US and China inch towards renewing science-cooperation pact — despite tensions Nature

To help with climate change, carbon capture will have to evolve Knowable

Complex deep-sea expeditions try to size up seabed mining impacts PNAS

Deep-sea mining plans should not be rushed Nature

US and China likely to delay renewal of key science pact again Nature

First approval for controversial sea-bed mining worries scientists Nature

Combat corporate greenwashing with better science Nature

Black Water: How Industry Fights Controls of Little-Known Drinking Water Contaminant Public Health Watch and Grist

Deep-sea mining could soon be approved — how bad is it? Nature

Battles over funding could threaten historic effort to save species Nature

Accidental DNA collection by air sensors could revolutionize wildlife tracking Nature

China Initiative’s shadow looms large for US scientists Nature

Nations forge historic deal to save species: what’s in it and what’s missing Nature

Can the world save a million species from extinction? Nature

Legal win for US scientist bolsters others caught in China crackdown Nature

Deforestation slowed last year — but not enough to meet climate goals Nature

Troubled biodiversity plan gets billion-dollar funding boost Nature

Convictions reversed for US chemical engineer accused of hiding China ties Nature

Scientists warn deal to save biodiversity is in jeopardy Nature

Crucial biodiversity summit will go ahead in Canada, not China: what scientists think Nature

Cash and action are needed to avert a biodiversity crisis Nature

Climate change will force new animal encounters — and boost viral outbreaks Nature

Funding battles stymie ambitious plan to protect global biodiversity Nature

High-profile trial begins for chemical engineer accused of hiding China ties Nature

‘I lost two years of my life’: US scientist falsely accused of hiding ties to China speaks out Nature

The controversial China Initiative is ending — researchers are relieved Nature

The Search for What’s Harming Florida’s Beloved Bonefish Hakai

When depression sneaks up on menopause Knowable

No More Extinctions Sierra

Wildlife releases have a mixed record, and climate change complicates things Mongabay

Hundreds of UK and EU cosmetics products contain ingredients tested on animals The Guardian

UK academics seethe over universities’ cost-cutting moves Nature Careers

Will rising temperatures make superweeds even stronger? Undark

Are wildlife trade bans backfiring? Knowable

Industry says voluntary plan to curb antibiotic pollution is working, but critics want regulation Science Insider

Dump it down the drain STAT and Type Investigations

Mouse gut bacteria cure rotavirus infection, pointing to treatment for humans PNAS

Common features of domestic animals suggest caveats to evolutionary theory PNAS

New insights into how influenza evades human immunity PNAS

Predators can harm rather than help biodiversity PNAS

World’s rivers awash with dangerous levels of antibiotics The Guardian

A middle path to sustainable farming Knowable

A simple model to help identify which species might become invasive PNAS

EPA blasted for failing to set drinking water limits for ‘forever chemicals’ ScienceInsider

Worrisome nonstick chemicals are common in U.S. drinking water ScienceInsider

The science of Tea’s mood-altering magic Nature Outlook

Deadly deficiency at the heart of an environmental mystery PNAS

Marine conservation sparks a fishing frenzy PNAS

Europe debates controversial plan to cut cadmium in phosphate fertilizer Scienceinsider

Top UN panel paints bleak picture of world's ecosystems Nature

How traditional people tamed the Amazon rainforest PNAS

Four stories of antibacterial breakthroughs Nature Outlook

Smart-sensor network keeps close eye on lake ecosystem PNAS

In an actual case of turning trash into treasure, this forest grew on orange peels Fusion

Organic farming isn't the 'holy grail' of agriculture Fusion

Humans are making life really really hard for other primates Fusion

The race to create super crops Nature

A natural high Nature

Global biodiversity report warns pollinators are under threat Nature

Legal tussle delays launch of huge toxicity database Nature

Sexual selection makes female songbirds drab Nature

Are you vegetables on drugs? Civil Eats

Frogs mount speedy defence against pesticide threat Nature

'Devious defecator' case is landmark for US genetic-privacy Nature



About Me

I am a journalist reporting on the environment, science and health. Work I am proud of includes investigations of industry lobbying against safeguards of toxic drinking water contaminants, uncovering how prescription drugs leak out of factories and pollute US waterways, and exposing drug and water companies influence in derailing environmental regulation in Europe.

My work has taken me to the top of Mount Elgon in Uganda, and to Monsanto's GMO greenhouses in St. Louis, Missouri.

I am currently leading a project investigating the health and environmental impacts of intensive animal farming for US Right to Know.

I have been supported by the Fund for Investigative journalism and published by Public Health Watch, and Type Investigations - nonprofit investigative newsrooms, the Guardian, Undark, Scientific American, among other outlets. I am a former staff writer for Nature.

I like telling people's stories and getting at the truth. I am a good listener, a keen observer, and a bit of a cynic.

I am a member of the Investigative Reporters and Editors, the Society of Environmental Journalists, and the National Association of Science Writers.

I am a native Londoner living in Washington DC.


 Signal: @ngreports.30

Instagram: @ngreports
